Facing the Giants
Sherwood Pictures
Head coach Grant Tyler has a 6 year loosing streak. He and his wife have been trying for years to have a baby. . . and can’t. The entire team has a bad attitude. For years one man has prayed for the revival of the school. That man comes to Grant and tells him that God is going to use him.
Facing the Giants is the second movie produced by Sherwood Pictures (The first is Flywheel a movie about a used car dealer. movie budget $20,000*). By movie standards it is still very low-budget $100,00*, but with much more of a real movie feel.
Facing the Giants is a movie designed to have you think: about the ‘Giant’s’ in our lives, the obstacles that seem to be unbeatable, mountains unclimbable. But that if we put our trust in God, He will give us strength. I do think the movie makes it look like all dreams come true, but I do know that God will provide all of our needs, even if He doesn’t provide all of our dreams.
I give this movie a 5 out of 5, because of family friendliness, story line and ability to relate to many peoples lives.
By the way, did you know that Sherwood Pictures has a new film coming out in 2011 and that it is in production right now?? Courageous the movie is about 4 policemen fathers. Check it out to see what’s going on!!
* Budget amounts are provided by Wikipedia.org
**Note: This movie review has been done because I wanted to. The makers of this movie, Amazon, nor Wikipedia have paid me.