Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Contraction Timer - HTC Touch Pro 2

Contraction Timer

HTC Touch Pro 2

My husband got me a new phone a few weeks ago, and right after the new phone came a new program. A contraction timer (At 32 weeks, I had already had a chance to use it a few times). My husband had a Blackberry, and I’m going to post a review on that one next week!!

Contraction timers. . . tell how far apart your contractions are!! :) This timer gives start time, stop time, how long they last, and how often they are happening. All pretty standard for a contraction timer, but I really think the app is much easier than trying to write it down (When you are in pain, you don’t want to be finding the clock, and focusing hard enough to get the time right, and then finding the paper you wrote the last contraction on, my phone is always there)

Things I like: Easy to push start/pause, the button is huge, so it’s easy to hit!! The main screen only shows the last contraction, which means you’re not trying to figure out if the newest number is on top or bottom of the list. The history button on the bottom (SHOW, SEND, or SAVE) SHOW allows you to see a list of all your contractions from beginning to end including the duration and frequency of them all (No averages though :( ), SEND allows you to send a text, email, picture or video message, which will be handy to send to your hubby or ride or whoever might need to know that they really are coming that fast and that constant. Save. . . um. save ;) (Location is “File Explorer” “Program Files” Contractions Timer” and whatever you named it (I used the date)

What I don’t like: The colors, the background is black (with a thin red clock) with a hot pink start/pause button, and the information box is green. There are no averages. And this is a phone setting, but my phone goes into standby to save battery, so I just plug it in when I’m having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions (with this being my 5 pregnancy and a history of fast labor, I”m paying attention to all of them: and family, don’t be concerned, the dr’s aren’t ;) )

The program only cost us $1.99 (you can get it here) which is a lot better than the $19.99 of some programs (but they did have graphs and stuff showing where your contractions are going. . . ) I think it’s worth the two dollars to not have to do it the paper/pencil route!!

*Note: I was not paid to write this review, I did because I like to know how things work before I buy them :) Thank you Hunny for downloading this for me :)

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