Blackberry (we have 8330)
When in labor, don’t search for paper, just use your phone
I like contraction timers because they do all of the math for you, and if you’re having hard contractions you don’t have to think as hard.
This program has a lot of the same features as most contractions timers “StartTime”, “EndTime”, “Duration”, & “Frequency”. It is easy to start and stop the timer for this program, simply hit the space bar and it starts/stops, and then does the calculations for you.
One of the really neat features of this program is in the Settings and is that you can add your name, your ”Expected Due Date”, “Frequency Leave Time” and “Time Format”. The one I really like “Expected Due date, because then every time you open it up, it tells you how many days until your due date!! “Frequency Leave Time” allows you to tell it when you think you should leave, and when your contractions get that close it will pop up and tell you to leave for the hospital (of course, good judgement should be used, if you think you need to go to the hospital before this pops up. . GO)
The colors are non-annoying, if a bit hard to read. Dark pink squares with black letters (Results) and then a light blue area telling the name of the program and Due Date Countdown at the top.
This program was $2.99 and you can find it here. Of the two programs I tried (one on each phone) I liked the extra features and colors on this program better.
*Note: I am at 34 weeks when I wrote this review, and have already had lots of Braxton Hicks contractions to test out my timers on. The owner of this program has not paid me to write this review, and has no clue that it is here.
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